Транспаранти от винил, банери - промоция 1.20 x 0.80 м. за 29 лв.

Vynil Banners – promotion 1.20 x 0.80m. for 20 EUR

Banners discounts

Banners with prices that are vinyl, design, delivery to Econt’s office. We suggest you choose a model to add or send to us via the contact form or email your suggestions.

***The discounts are for three sizes! Upon request you will receive a promotional price for the size you need!



Exemplary models

It will make it easier for us to look at our ready-made models and, when asked, mention which number you would like us to use. You can choose a different color, in other words.

How to order?

  1. Select the contact form by describing:
    – Text found on vinyl, such as “TANGRAM ADVERTISING AGENCY”
    – Specify the background color of the background, for example “I want the background to be red and the letters to be white”
  2. Send you an email design file and submit your written approval.
    Inquiry or order. 
  3. Answer up to 30 minutes during business hours Monday to Friday 10 am to 6 pm.


  • Vinyl banners it is advisable to order for successful sale of a property, for a car service and any other business. They are easily mounted with the so-called “pig tail”. Do not crush or break on delivery. Withstand external conditions.
  • Durability: They last for hours or even two, BUT: The main problem is wind. To extend their life, use each hole to secure it.
  • Cheap and practical, while the boards require PVC board, foil and adhesive. Thanks to the 30 cm caps, they are installed virtually anywhere.
  • Auspicious material, robust and durable to weather conditions. Solvent printing, chemical ink is soaked in vinyl and its durability is guaranteed.
  • A profitable investment. Twenty five euros investment, can “sell” property for 25 000, 50 000 EUR. There is no such promotional material that is cheap, can withstand any conditions, fold in a few minutes. It doesn’t break like signs, dream material. All you have to do is order it and wait for your customers.
  • We also advertise our business successfully with vinyl and for this reason we are convinced of efficiency.
  • Tangram is a specialized vinyl agency for the successful promotion of all types of businesses such as the automotive business.

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